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Training Event Date
Tech Savvy Seniors: Unlocking The Digital World
Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. d.b.a. Mainstream will offer this 
FREE of charge technology workshop to support seniors and individuals 
with disabilities in navigating this Digital Age.

The workshops will be available at different facilities for seniors and/or 
individuals with disabilities to offer the opportunity to improve confidence
in digital skills including the following.

-Basics of smartphones, tablets, and comp
-Introduction to internet and e-mail
-Social Media basics and staying connected
-Online services: banking, shopping, and healthcare portals
-Online safety and privacy tips

If you require an accommodation to participate in this hands-on training, 
be sure to let a staffer know at the time that you register.

Facilitator(s): Bethany Baldwin, Mainstream's Programs Manager

Sign up today to schedule a hands-on training class at your facility 
by Phone to :(800) 371-9026, ext. #124


Register by email

June 18th, 2024 to September 27th, 2024
ACCESS: A Support Group for Working Individuals with Disabilities
Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. d.b.a. Mainstream is now offering 
a support group for working individuals with disabilities.  ACCESS, which 
stands for Achievement, Coaching, Career, Empowerment, Support and Success, 
is a community committed to fostering growth, confidence, and connections
for individuals with disabilities.

ACCESS welcomes individuals of all abilities who are passionate about embracing
independence, achieving career goals, and supporting one another along the way.

Facilitator: Belthany Baldwin, Mainstream's Programs Manager 

If you require an accommodation to participate in this monthly virtual support 
group, be sure to let a staffer know at the time that you register. 

Register by Phone: (800) 371-9026, ext. #124
By Zoom: 


Register by email

June 27th, 2024 to September 26th, 2024
4th Thursdays of Every Month
7:00 P.M. to 7:45 P.M. 
Nominations are Open for 2024 Leonard Boyle Family Resilience Award & the 2024 Phil Stinebuck Courage Award
The Arkansas Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) is proud to announce
that they are now taking applications and nominations for the following awards: 
The Leonard Boyle Family Resilience Award and the Phil Stinebuck Courage Award.  
Both awards will be given at the SILC's 30th anniversary celebration Sept. 21, 2024. 

Both the Late Leonard Boyle and the Late Phil Stinebuck were champions for 
individuals with disabilities in the state of Arkansas and across the nation.  
Both Leonard and Phil both were individuals who used a mobility device.  
Each persevered and broke barriers related to equal access, inclusion and 
voting rights to name a few for other disabled citizens.

The deadline for the submissions is August 15, 2024.  All finalists will be 
notified and receive an invitation to come to the 30th Anniversary Gala 
where the winners will be announced.  
Use the link to nominate a family or individual:

Register by email

July 8th, 2024 to August 15th, 2024
For additional information, you may email the SILC at or call the office at 501-372-0607.  
F.L.A.S.H. Youth Peer Support Group
Independent Living Resource Center, Inc. d.b.a. Mainstream is now inviting
youths with disabilities ages 16 to 22 to become a part of FLASH (Fostering
Leadership and Advancing Skills for High Schoolers), a Youth Peer Support
group empowering High School Students with Disabilities.

FLASH Youth's mission is leadership and self-advocacy skills, increased
confidence and independence and community building with peers.  The peer 
group's purpose is to develop leadership skills to navigate life 
beyond high school, build a supportive community with peers, and gain the
tools and confidence for independence.

Facilitator: Belthany Baldwin, Mainstream's Programs Manager 

If you require an accommodation to participate in this monthly Youth
Peer Support Group, be sure to let a staffer know at the time that you register. 

Register by Phone: (800) 371-9026, ext. #124


Register by email

July 18th, 2024 to September 19th, 2024
3rd Thursdays of Every Month
5:00 P.M. to 5:45 P.M.
Mainstream's Conference Room
300 South Rodney Parham Road, Suite #5
Little Rock, AR 72205
Public Health: The Well-being of Older Adults & Individuals with Disabilities
Independent Living Resource Center d.b.a. Mainstream will offer this FREE 
of charge Educational Session exploring the subject matters that include 
Public Health Challenges, Health and Wellness, Steps to Accessing Health 
Care Services, Pandemic Preparedness in the Future, and Aging and 
Possible Disability Networks in Central Arkansas.

Facilitator: Mainstream's Social Support Specialist

If you require an accommodation to participate in this informational session, 
be sure to let a staffer know at the time that you register.

Please Register before the deadline of July 23, 2024  
by Phone to: (800) 371-9026, ext. #0


Register by email

July 30th, 2024 to July 30th, 2024
3:00 P.M. to 4:15 P.M. (CST) 
Zoom Learning Session
Advocacy 101
If You Want to Learn The Do's and Dont's of Self Advocacy, How to Connect
with Community Resources, and The Importance of Advocacy Documentation,
Then This Free Zoom Learning Session Is For You!

Facilitator: Myeshia Stevens, Mainstream's Advocate Trainer

If you require an accommodation to participate in this educational session, 
be sure to let a staffer know at the time that you register. 

Please Register before the deadline of August 6, 2024  
by Phone to: (800) 371-9026, ext. #126


Register by email

August 13th, 2024 to August 13th, 2024
10:00 A.M. to 12:00 Noon
Zoom Learning Session

For more information, please call (501) 280-0012. Thank you!